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Can Dogs Eat Raisin Bread? Find Out

A dog is one of the most caring pets in the world and has been referred to as a ‘man’s best friend’. Whether you are poor or rich, a dog will be faithful to you 

One of the greatest gifts you can give your caring cute dog is keeping them healthy, and the easiest way to do that is by providing them with shelter, healthy food, and giving them attention and love.

Do you have a dog at home, and you love them more than anything? And sometimes you may wonder if giving them raising bread is safe. Can dogs eat raisin bread? The answer may surprise you! 

Everyone knows that you shouldn’t give dogs raw onions because it’s poisonous to them. But not everyone knows about other dangerous foods that can be just as toxic for your cute dog.

A raisin is a dried grape. The grapes can be dried by the sun or a mechanical process, resulting in raisins. Raisins are produced in many regions of the world and may be eaten raw or used in cooking, baking, and brewing.

Raisin bread is a type of bread that has raisins in it. Sometimes it has cinnamon in it. It can be eaten as toast or as a dessert. It is “usually a white flour or egg dough bread”. Aside from white flour, raisin bread is also made with other flour, such as all-purpose flour, oat flour, or whole wheat flour. 

The bread is commonly found in the United States, Northern Europe, Germany and Australia, where it is served toasted for breakfast. 

It’s important to note that raisins, regardless of whether they are raw or cooked, can still cause an allergic reaction or become toxic for dogs. 

What Are Raisings?

The word “raisin” comes from the old French language, which developed from the Latin word “racemus” meaning “a bunch of grapes”

The history of raisins dates back to ancient civilizations when grapes were dried in the sun to preserve them for later use. The word “raisin” comes from the Latin “racemus,” meaning “a bunch of grapes.”

The black raisin was well-known in antiquity. The most famous raisin of the classical years was produced on Rhodes Island, however, the raisins of Chios Island were in great demand during the Byzantine years.

Raisins have been enjoyed by people all over the world for centuries. In ancient Rome, raisins were a popular food among the wealthy and were often given as gifts. 

In the Middle East, raisins were an important part of the diet and were used to sweeten dishes and as a source of energy. In the United States, raisins were first produced in the 19th century, when a process was developed to dry grapes using mechanical dehydrators.

Historically, raisins were used as currency, as awards in sporting events, and to treat ailments like food poisoning. 

Aside from being a popular snack food based on taste alone, Raisins are a good source of fibre, potassium, iron, and essential minerals. Raisins contain a compound called tartaric acid, which is said to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Here’s a brief run-down of the key nutrients in one ounce of raisins (approximately 60):

  • Calories: 85
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Fiber: 1 gram
  • Fat: 0.1 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 22 grams
  • Sugar: 17 grams
  • Calcium: 14 milligrams
  • Iron: 0.5 milligrams
  • Magnesium: 9 milligrams
  • Potassium: 212 milligrams
  • Sodium: 3 milligrams

Health Benefits Of Raisings To Human

Here are some of the top health benefits of raisins:

1. Decrease Likelihood Of Cavities And Gum Disease

It is traditionally thought that eating sweets, and sticky foods like raisins increases the risk of caries because they grab onto the surfaces of teeth. due to the concentrated sugar content and when eaten often stick to teeth.

However, the phytochemical and oleanolic acid plant compounds found in raisins help to slow down and possibly even prevent 2 bacteria that grow causing tooth decay (Streptococcus mutants) and gum disease

In fact, it even makes the list of ways to naturally reverse cavities and heal tooth decay. So even though a raisin satisfies your sweet tooth, it actually can help to keep that tooth free from cavities

2. Excellent Digestive Aid

Raisins may be a simple way to help keep the digestive system healthy. Raisins contain helpful soluble fibres, which aid digestion and reduce stomach issues. 

Raisins also contain tartaric acid. As a result, it has a laxative effect on the stomach and enhances digestion. Consuming raisins that have been soaked in water can assist the body remove toxins.

A raisin contains both soluble and insoluble fibre, which both help keep things moving through the intestinal tract in a healthy way and promote regular bowel movements and alleviate constipation.

By adding raisins to your snacks and meals, you instantly up the fibre content of your culinary creations quickly and easily.

Read Also: Can Dogs Eat Mandarins? Find Out!

3. Prevents Anemia

Anaemia often can be prevented and easily corrected by getting enough iron and raisins contain good amounts of iron, copper, and vitamins that are essential for making red blood cells and carrying oxygen throughout the body. 

Many studies have shown that raisins work great against anaemia and help you sleep well. 

4. Raisins Help In Lowering Blood Sugar

Several studies have found that eating raisins may help lower blood sugar levels. Raisins contain a high amount of fibre and have a low glycemic index, making them an excellent option for controlling sugar. 

Those who consumed raisins had a 23 per cent reduction in glucose levels after a meal and a 19 per cent reduction in fasting glucose and a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure. 

The fibre content of a raisin also helps your body to process the raisin’s natural sugars, which helps prevent insulin spikes.

5. Aid In Preventing Cancer

Research shows that regularly eating dried fruit like dates, prunes and raisins may help ward off some types of cancer. It might also help keep cancer from getting worse. 

They contain high phenolic components that have stronger antioxidant powers than those in some fresh fruits. 

By including raisins in your diet, not only can you can increase your antioxidant levels, but you may also help to decrease cellular damage and ward off cancer.

6. Lower Blood Pressure And Reduce Stroke Risk

According to data presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 61st Annual Scientific Session in 2012, the researchers found that this daily consumption may lower blood pressure.

Potassium is a key mineral for the proper function of all cells, tissues and organs in the human body. Raisins contain potassium and this makes it easy to say that it helps lower the risk of stroke, especially ischemic stroke.

Can Dogs Eat Raisin Bread?

The answer is yes, dogs can eat bread but as we all know, too much of everything is bad so it’s important you feed them in moderation. Bread is not toxic to dogs but that doesn’t mean it’s a core diet for your dog. Depending on the type of bread, some dogs may not be able to digest bread especially if it contains ingredients that are toxic to dogs like raising. 

Aside from the fact that bread is not toxic to dogs, it is high in carbohydrates which can contribute to weight gain, which is why it is advised to feed them in moderation.

If your dog must eat bread, make sure to choose plain bread without any added ingredients and remember that bread shouldn’t be a substitute for a balanced diet.

There are many different types of bread available for your dogs, we will list some types of bread that are suitable for dogs, and explain why they are a good choice.

1. Whole wheat bread: As long as it’s plain, whole wheat bread is generally safe for dogs, it is high and fibre and nutrients and less processed than other bread. Whole wheat bread contains fewer additives and preservatives, plus it contains beneficial fibre that can help maintain intestinal health. 

You can feed your dog whole wheat bread, but it is not recommended to feed him this more so than any other treat. It is recommended you don’t feed him more than 1 piece a day.

2. Sourdough bread: Sourdough bread is made using a natural fermentation process, dogs can eat sourdough bread safely in small quantities if otherwise,  they do not have any sort of gluten allergy or celiac disease. It is also lower in sugar and calories than many other types of bread, which makes it a good choice for dogs that are watching their weight.

Small pieces of plain sourdough bread are unlikely to cause problems for dogs unless they have allergies or sensitivities to the bread ingredient.

3. Gluten-free bread:  Dogs can eat gluten-free bread only if there are no toxic ingredients such as xylitol. Some dogs may have an intolerance or allergy to gluten, which is found in wheat, barley, and rye. 

Before introducing gluten-free bread to your dog, it is advisable to give them a little amount and watch out for any kind of reaction. This type of bread is made using alternative flour like rice flour or almond flour, which are safe for dogs to eat.

4. Homemade bread: If you’re comfortable baking your own bread, it is safer and healthier for your dog to eat. Homemade bread gives you full control over the ingredients that goes into it, this also means you can avoid preservatives and flavouring that can be harmful to dogs.

5. Pita bread: Pita bread is not considered toxic to dogs as long as it does not have the aforementioned toxic ingredients.

Pita bread is a good source of fibre, which keeps your dog’s digestive system healthy it is a good choice for dogs because it is low in fat and calories. It is also easy to break into small pieces, which makes it a good training treat for dogs.

Homemade Bread Recipes For Dogs

1. Taralli Dog Bread Recipe


  • 1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1 1/4 cups unbleached flour
  • 1/4 cup cornmeal
  • 2 T. wheat bran
  • 2 T. organic soy flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp. dry baking yeast
  • 1 tsp. anise seeds
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla
  • 1/4 cup olive oil

Set Aside:

  • 2 T. melted butter
  • 2 T. anise seeds
  • 1 egg, beaten


  1. Place the top group of ingredients in your bread maker on the dough cycle.
  2. When the dough is finished, remove it from the bread maker and roll it with a rolling pin until it is about 1/4” thick.
  3. Brush the dough with the melted butter and sprinkle it with anise seeds. Lightly press the seeds into the dough.
  4. Cut the dough into strips that are 1” wide and about 8” long. You can vary the size of the strips if you want to make larger or smaller taralli dog bread treats.

2. Homemade Dog Buns


  • 2 tsp Yeast
  • 2 Tbsp Sugar
  • 1 cup Milk warm
  • 2¾ cups Flour
  • ½ tsp Salt
  • 2 Eggs
  • 3 Tbsp Butter 


  1. Mix the yeast, 1 teaspoon sugar, and warm milk and leave to proof—about 5 minutes.
  2. Combine two and a half cups of flour, the remaining sugar, and salt. Mix well.
  3. Add the proofed yeast, one egg, and melted butter, and use a sturdy spoon to mix until everything comes together in a rough, shaggy mass of dough.
  4. Cover with plastic wrap or a tight-fitting lid and leave to rest for five minutes.
  5. Remove the lid, turn the dough to a lightly floured work surface and knead, gradually adding the leftover quarter cup of flour – your dough will still be soft, but don’t be tempted to add more flour.
  6. Return the dough to the bowl and grease the surface with a bit of oil or melted butter, cover with plastic wrap or a tight-fitting lid, and leave to rest for 30 minutes.
  7. Punch down the dough to remove any trapped air and transfer it back to a lightly floured work surface.
  8. Divide the dough into eight pieces, roll each out about 6 inches long, and pinch down the sides and ends.
  9. Place the buns, seam-side down, on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
  10. Make the egg wash by whisking one egg, then brush the buns with the egg wash.
  11. Cover the loaves and leave them to rise for 15 minutes. They should become nicely puffy.
  12. Place in a 350F preheated oven and bake for 12 to 15 minutes.


Measure the flour by gently scooping it into a cup, then use the dull side of a table knife to sweep off the excess.


Serving: 0g | Calories: 240kcal | Carbohydrates: 37g | Protein: 7g | Fat: 7g | Saturated Fat: 4g | Cholesterol: 55mg | Sodium: 212mg | Potassium: 101mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 5g | Vitamin A: 240IU | Calcium: 48mg | Iron: 2mg

3. Dog-Shaped Bread Rolls: Sleeping Dachshund Wiener Sausage Bread


  • Dough (Use any dough you like. See below for reference)
  • 135 grams of Bread flour
  • 15 grams of Cake flour
  • 2 to 3 grams of Instant dry yeast
  • 80 ml Milk
  • 1 gram Salt
  • 15 grams Sugar
  • 10 grams Butter
  • 25 grams Egg
  • 280 grams Or your favourite dough that’s finished first rising
  • 56 grams) (For one piece


  • 5 Wiener sausages
  • 1 Ketchup
  • 1 Beaten egg for finishing
  • 1 dash Store bought chocolate or seaweed

Cooking Instructions

1. In a bowl, mix all ingredients except for butter. Then add butter and mix them well and bring it to one. Knead well.

2. In an oven, bring the dough to rise for the first time. Use the proof mode of your oven until it’s double in size.

3. Take out the dough and divide them into 5 pieces (for the face). Each dough should be 15 g. The rest of the dough (for body 41 g) is also divided into 5 pieces and round them. Rest them for 15 minutes.

4. Take the dough for the body and roll it out to make a long stick that is 5-6 cm longer than the sausage. Put a bit of ketchup on and place the sausage.

5. Wrap the sausage with dough from both ends. Close the right end by pressing out the air. On the left side make a cut with a knife in the middle to separate the ends and seal.

6. Place the dough seam-side down. Bend the right edge and place it under the edge of the body to secure it. On the left side, put the legs together.

7. Take a small amount of dough from the face dough and round it to make a nose. Shape the remaining dough into a ball. Flatten it and make cuts on the left and right for the ears. Place it on the body.

8. Place the dogs on a baking tray and let them rise a second time using the proof mode of your oven. Once it’s done, start preheating the oven immediately.

9. Brush the tops of the dough with beaten eggs. Here, make the eyes if you are using seaweed. Bake it in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 12 minutes.

10. If you are using chocolate to draw eyes, use cooled chocolate melted in a double boiler with a toothpick.

Read Also: Can Dogs Eat Lobster? What You Should Know

4. Sweet Potato And Apple Bread 


  • 500g gram flour (chickpea flour)
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon
  • 55g coconut oil (melted)
  • ¼ tbsp honey
  • 40g cooked sweet potato, mashed
  • 40g unsweetened apple sauce
  • 1 egg


1. Pre-heat the oven to 180℃ (160℃ for fan-assisted ovens)

2. Combine the flour and cinnamon

3. In a separate bowl mix together the honey, sweet potato, apple sauce, egg and coconut oil

4. Add the wet ingredients to the dry and mix thoroughly

5. Grease a loaf or cake tin with coconut oil and pour the bread mix into the tin

6. Bake for 15 minutes

7. Cool and cut into small pieces for your doggy to enjoy!

This recipe should serve 3 dogs or 6-8 servings. Store in an air-tight container and consume within a week. If you suspect your dog has any allergies to the ingredients used try using a substitute or avoid this recipe.

5. Spotted Dog Bread


  • 450g Odlums Cream Plain Flour
  • 1–2 tablespoons Sugar
  • 1 level teaspoon Salt
  • 1 level teaspoon of Odlums Baking Powder
  • 75g Shamrock Sultanas, Raisins or Currants
  • 300ml Buttermilk
  1. Weigh all the dry ingredients into a large bowl and mix them all up with a good wooden spoon.
  2. Add the buttermilk and mix well until all are combined.
  3. Take the bread out onto the surface with a little dusting of flour and bring it all together until you form a nice smooth shape.
  4. Cut a cross over the top and then brush with some of the excess buttermilk.
  5. Bake on a greased tray at 180C for 30-35mins.

6. Spotted Dog Irish Bread

Prep Time: 15 mins

Cook Time: 1 hr

Total Time: 1 hr 15 mins

Servings: 24

Yield: 1 12-inch bread


  • 5 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 ½ cups white sugar
  • 2 ⅔ tablespoons baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 cups raisins


  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
  2. Grease a 12-inch cast iron skillet.
  3. Sift flour, sugar, and baking powder together in a large bowl.
  4. Beat eggs with milk in a separate bowl.
  5. Stir egg mixture into flour mixture until moistened; the batter will be very thick.
  6. Fold in raisins until thoroughly combined.
  7. Spread batter into a prepared cast iron skillet.
  8. Bake in the preheated oven until the bread has risen and is golden brown on top, about 1 hour.

Cook’s Note:

For two smaller loaves, divide the batter into two greased 8-inch round cake pans and bake for 45 minutes.

7. Homemade Hot Dog Bread


  • 2 1/4 cups (11oz/319g) all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon instant dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup (4 fl oz/113ml) whole milk
  • 1/4 cup (2oz/57g) butter, softened


  1. In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine flour, sugar, yeast and salt. (Keep the salt and yeast on different sides of the bowl at this stage)
  2. In a separate jug whisk together the milk and eggs.
  3. On medium speed, pour the liquid into the dry ingredients and knead with the dough hook attachment. (Tip: hold back a little liquid in case you don’t need it all to make the dough come together)
  4. Once the dough comes together into a ball add in the sliced, softened butter. Continue to knead the dough for roughly another 6-8 minutes. You will notice it is a soft, shaggy dough.
  5. Turn out the dough onto a lightly floured surface and shape it into a smooth ball. Place it into a greased bowl, cover the bowl with plastic wrap (or a shower cap) and keep it in a warm place for 1 1/2 – 2 hours.
  6. To make your Hot dog buns: Divide the dough roughly into 6 (3 ¾oz) pieces. Shape each piece into a long 6-inch baguette. Pinch the seams of the dough together well so the roll doesn’t pop open while baking. You want a smooth, crease-free roll. 
  7. Place the hot dog buns on a lined baking sheet to proof for roughly 45 to 60 minutes. Cover well with plastic wrap or a clean kitchen towel.
  8. Once proofed, brush each bun with egg wash.
  9. Bake at 375°F (190°C) for 20-22 minutes or until they are golden brown.
  10. Store buns in an air-tight container at room temperature for up to 2 days. Because of the butter and eggs they can spoil after 3 days so you can either keep them in the fridge or in the freezer for a longer shelf life.

8. Cheese Dog Bread Rolls


  • 12 slices white bread
  • 3 hot dogs, cut into 4 strips
  • 4 ounces quick melt cheese, cut into 24 thin strips
  • 2 eggs
  • ¼ cup milk
  • 1 cup Panko bread crumbs
  • canola oil


  1. Trim the edges of each bread and with a rolling pin, flatten until very thin. 
  2. Arrange a piece of hotdog and two cheese strips at the edge of the bread facing you and roll the bread into a log to enclose the filling. Press lightly on seams to completely seal (or secure with toothpicks and remove when ready to dredge in bread crumbs). Repeat with remaining bread slices.
  3. In a bowl, combine eggs and milk and whisk together until well beaten. 
  4. In a shallow dish, place Panko bread crumbs.
  5. Dip the bread roll in egg mixture and roll in bread crumbs, patting down crumbs to fully coat. Repeat with the remaining rolls.
  6. Arrange breaded rolls in a single layer on a baking sheet and freeze for 3 to 5 minutes.
  7. In a wide, thick-bottomed pan over medium heat, heat about 2-inches deep of oil. Place prepared bread rolls seam side down and deep-fry, turning as needed, until golden and crunchy. 
  8. Remove from the pan and drain on a wire rack set over a baking sheet. Serve hot with catsup for dipping.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What happens if my dog ate raisin bread

If your dog has eaten any amount of raisins or grapes, you should go to a veterinarian or animal hospital immediately, even if you do not see any symptoms

2. What should I give my dog if he ate a raisin?

The best treatment is to decontaminate the dog right away by inducing vomiting and administering activated charcoal. This helps to prevent absorption of the toxin from the stomach or intestines.

3. How quickly do raisins affect dogs?

The most common early symptom of grape or raisin toxicity is vomiting, which is generally seen within 24 hours following ingestion. Lack of appetite, lethargy, and possibly diarrhoea can be also seen within the next 12-24 hours.

4. What does kidney failure look like in dogs?

After approximately 2/3 of the kidney tissue is destroyed, there is a rapid rise in waste products in the bloodstream and an apparent sudden onset of severe disease. The clinical signs of more advanced kidney failure include loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, and very bad breath.

5. Do dogs recover from kidney failure?

It is estimated that more than half of pets suffering from acute kidney failure either die from the condition or are euthanized to prevent suffering. That said, if caught early and treated aggressively some dogs are able to recover from acute kidney failure.


Raisins and any other form of grapes are toxic to dogs which is why you should give them in small quantities.

Make sure that all family members and visitors know that raisins are toxic to dogs and should never be given to your dog to avoid accidents.

Lastly, always consult your Veterinarians before introducing any food to your dogs.

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