Author: Emily Thomas

Hi, Am Emily Thomas a Dog Lover and Blog Content Writer. Passionate about dogs and the power of words. Sharing insights, tips, and heartwarming stories. Join me on a tail-wagging journey! 🐾📚

Dog parents are always worried about the health and well-being of their dogs. They know that the health of their dog is very much dependent on the food they give it and are always searching for nutritious and healthy food that their dog can munch on. So many dog owners seek veterinarians’ advice to help them give the right food to their canine friends. Red rice is a variety of rice that is coloured red by its anthocyanin content. It is usually eaten unpolished or partially polished and has a red bran layer, rather than the more common pale brown. …

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When dog owners decide to give treats to their dogs, crispy and crunchy treats come to mind. Well, of course, they seem easy to chew and digest. However, you may not know that these seemingly “easy to chew” treats are the most difficult to digest and can sometimes cause choking hazards. Ruffles are crispy treats and form part of the big question of what and what not to give your dogs. Can dogs eat ruffles? Well, let us examine the nutritional value of this product and see if it sits well with your canine friend. Nobody, except maybe your veterinarian,…

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Key lime pie is an American dessert pie. It is made of lime juice, egg yolks, and sweetened condensed milk. It may be served with no topping, topped with a meringue topping made from egg whites, or with whipped cream; it may be cooked in a pie crust, a graham cracker crust, or no crust. Key limes are the pink flamingos of Florida food, and they are a celebrated part of local colour. The key lime tree, which is native to Malaysia, probably first arrived in the Florida Keys in the 1500s with the Spanish. Key limes look like confused…

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Quick question: Does your dog enjoy eating bread? Relatively, bread can be a good meal for everyone; however, just like other foods, breads are also baked in varieties, and this is what we are here to talk about: pumpernickel bread. Can dogs have pumpernickel bread? You would agree with us that what makes for a variety of dishes, diets, or meals is the ingredients. Take the wheat bread, for example. People attribute wheat bread to diabetic patients, which means that to avoid any health disaster, they should eat only wheat bread, as it is low in sweetened content. Do your…

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An antibiotic is a type of antimicrobial substance active against bacteria. It is the most important type of antibacterial agent for fighting bacterial infections, and antibiotic medications are widely used in the treatment and prevention of such infections. They may either kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria. The word antibiotic means “against life.” Any drug that kills germs in your body is technically an antibiotic. But most people use the term when they’re talking about medicine that is meant to kill bacteria. Antibiotics play a crucial role in veterinary medicine, helping to treat bacterial infections and improve the health…

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If you enjoy eating pita bread, you probably catch your dog begging for a bite sometimes. Can dogs eat pita bread? Are there any health risks or benefits to your dog eating pita bread? Pita bread is a versatile flatbread that is soft and slightly chewy. It’s baked in a hot oven and traditionally found in the Middle East, Greece, and the eastern Mediterranean region. Thanks largely to the popularity of gyros, its use has spread worldwide. The word pita (or pitta) comes from Greek, and the bread has been made for thousands of years throughout the Middle East. Pita…

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If you are asked to count how many foods or diets are toxic to humans and dogs, can you do that? How about Muscadines? You may be relieved that muscadines are not toxic to humans, but we can’t say for sure about dogs. Muscadines may or may not be toxic to dogs, which raises an important question: Can dogs eat Muscadines? This round beauty is rich in nutrients, and as a dog owner, you would want to feed them to your dog to maximize nutrients in your dog’s body system. Careful though! The more you introduce new diets, treats, meals,…

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Eggs! Humans love eggs so much, and we take them in different forms: frying, boiling, shredding, and what have you. Deviled eggs, too, are nice treats for humans. However, most pet owners have asked whether dogs can eat deviled eggs, probably because they need or urge to share this nicely decorated meal with their pup. As good as it may seem, humans and dogs, as well as other animals, do not generally share the same body metabolism and response to food; This goes to say that what seems good for humans might as well be poisonous for your dog; you…

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Sledding or sledging, which is correct, you might ask? Well, they both mean the same thing; they are just variants in rendering between American and British English. Dog sledding is using a sled pulled by dogs over ice or snow. Once upon a time, people living in Arctic regions relied on sled dogs as their main means of transportation. Sled dogs were also used to transport supplies, mail, and medicine. While these are used for transportation and the rest of it, sledding can also be used as a form of tourism. In the United States of America, there are so…

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What piqued your interest in the Alaskan Malamutes? Was it their robust nature or their keen alertness? Do you believe that you would have a harmonious relationship with these unique breeds? Not many people would pick the Malamute for a guard dog, maybe because they have other good options. However, are Alaskan Malamutes good guard dogs?  This article will guide you through the nature, life, and style of the Alaskan Malamute, and then by way of a personal review, you could be able to tell if this breed, following its traits, can make for a good guard dog. Let’s get…

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