Incorporating more cashew nuts into a regular diet is what humans do, including pet owners ( except allergic people ).
But, while a pet owner is enjoying his or her daily serving of delicious cashews, is it safe to spare some cashew nuts for their canine companions?
This is a specific variety of nuts, including almonds, salted nuts, peanuts and macadamia nuts. Unlike salted cashew nuts and macadamia, cashews are not entirely unsafe for dogs to consume as treats.
However, even though the delicious nut poses no threat to your canine’s overall health, there are still quite a few guidelines you need to get acquainted with about cashew nuts for dogs.
In this blog post, we aim to familiarise you with expert Insights on “Can Dogs Eat Cashews”?, Nutritional Analysis Of Cashews, Benefits & Side Effects & Safe Serving Tips For Canines.
Can Dogs Eat Cashews Nuts? (Overview)
Regardless cashews are not toxic for dogs; they should only be shared in limited amounts. This is because cashews consist of fatty acids in very high amounts. Consuming excessive cashews would mean a dog is eating too many fatty foods, and the canine could be prone to pancreatitis and obesity.
As for choking hazards with regard to cashews, thankfully, cashew nuts are bigger, easier to grasp, softer than peanuts & almonds, and are not sold inside their shells like pistachios. With cashews having these attributes, choking hazards will be less likely.
Can Dogs Eat Cashews And Almonds? Any canine may not tolerate a mixture of these two nuts; almond nuts are already a complete “no-eating zone” for dogs.
As with cashew and mixed almond treats, gastrointestinal tract blockage, choking hazards, and allergies will always be possible.
Can Dogs Eat Salted Cashews? Salt is not dog friendly; a salty cashew nut will give more health problems than a plain roasted one will to a canine. Please do not serve salted cashews to your dog to be on the safe side and avoid adverse effects on his health.
Nutritional Composition Of Cashews
Cashew nuts are extremely rich in a wholesome variety of nutrients. According to pet nutrition experts, four ounces (100 grams) of cashew nut serving will accurately provide a dog with the following:
- 553 grams of Calories
- 18 grams of protein – 36% Daily Value
- 44 grams of fat – 67% Daily Value
- 660 milligrams of potassium – 18% Daily Value
- 3.3 grams of dietary fibre – 13% Daily Value
- 30 grams of total carbohydrates – 10% Daily Value
- 6 grams of natural sugar
- 37% daily value of iron
- 20% daily value of vitamin B6
- 73% daily value of magnesium
- 3% daily value of calcium
- 69% daily value of copper
- 15% daily value of zinc
- 13% daily value of phosphorus
- 10% daily value of selenium
- 10% daily value of thiamine
- 8% daily value of vitamin K
The most abundant nutrient in cashew nuts, however, is unessential unsaturated fats – Unsaturated fats are known to lead to risks of sudden, premature deaths and severe heart cancers.
Cashew nuts are extremely low in sugar, the only sugar derived is natural sugar, and it consists of the same quantity of protein derived from cooked beef ( If not the same, then there will be just a little difference ).
In addition, 69% daily value of copper is just enough for a dog to produce sufficient energy and develop a healthy brain and a strong immune system. If you are looking for a source of manganese and magnesium for your dog, too, to boost bone and muscle health, cashews are the go-to remedy.
Can Dogs Eat Cashews? ( Evaluating Safety )

We will provide a straightforward guideline regarding the safety of cashew nuts for dogs below.
Can Dogs Eat Cashews Nuts?
In all sincerity, if fed in the appropriate portions per sitting, cashews will not pose a problem to anyone’s dog (except allergic dogs). Cashews will only cause difficulties and problems when certain dogs consume them inappropriately (without caution).
No pet owner should leave any jar of unsweetened or sweetened cashew nuts unattended because their indoor pet will definitely eat it all up, irrespective of possible side effects.
Also, when evaluating the safety of cashew nuts for your canine, you should also consider its digestive system and the possible risks that cashews can cause to the digestive system. Dogs who consume cashew in excess are prone to risks as severe as colon cancer, gastrointestinal disturbances, obesity and pancreatitis.
On seeing these possible risks of cashews for dogs, you may ask yourself, “Can Dogs Eat Salted Nuts”? “Can Dogs Eat Almonds”? Well, the answer is No.
Keep your dog away from salted nuts, as sodium in high concentration has no place in a dog’s dietary plan. Keep him away from almonds, too, because almonds are one of the most toxic nuts for dogs.
How Many Cashews Can Your Dog Eat?
Any snack or treat specifically for dogs – both commercial or homemade – should not be more than 10% of a dog’s regular diet. The other 90% should be derived from a completely balanced diet, which is every pet owner’s responsibility.
Before we let you in on the portion sizes of cashew nuts to feed your dog, remember that any change in diet or new food addition should be first reported to a veterinarian for expert medical advice.
Here are specific guidelines to follow for safe portion sizes of cashew nuts per serving for a dog :
Serve one or two cashews or ¼ tablespoon of unsweetened cashew butter to extra little dogs weighing 2 – 20 pounds twice daily.
Example: Shih tzu puppies, Pugs, Chihuahuas, Pomeranians & Yorkies
- Serve two or three cashews or ½ tablespoon of unsweetened cashew butter to small-sized canines ( a little bigger than puppies ) weighing 21 – 30 pounds twice daily.
Example: Basenjis, Australian shepherds, Miniature, & Beagles
- Serve five or six cashews or ¾ tablespoon of unsweetened cashew butter to medium-sized canines weighing 31 – 50 pounds twice daily.
Examples: Siberian huskies, American Eskimos, Australian cattle dogs, Basset hounds, And Border Collies.
- Serve ten or twelve cashews or one tablespoon of unsweetened cashew butter to large breeds of dogs weighing 51 – 90 pounds twice daily.
Examples: German shepherds, Australian shepherds, Labrador retrievers, and Pit bulls.
- Serve twelve or eighteen cashews or one and a half – two tablespoons of unsweetened cashew butter to extra-large breeds of dogs that weigh 91 pounds and above twice a day.
Examples: Great Pyrenees breeds, Bernese mountain dogs, Newfoundland breeds & Saint Bernards
Can Dogs Eat Cashews? (Health Benefits Of Cashews For Dogs)
Before we go ahead to discuss the benefits of cashew nuts for dogs -for you to understand better-we would like to outline the benefits below first.
Cashews give the following benefits to dogs:
- Reduce the adverse effects of diabetes
- Perfect for heart health
- Immunity boost
- Helps fur to stay shiny and healthy
- Works to develop the brain
- Healthy development of bones
- Blood pressure reduction
- Rids off blood diseases
- Gives abundant zinc and copper
- Enables adequate eye function
1. Reduces The Effects Of Diabetes
Dogs suffering from any type of diabetes will benefit from snacking on cashew nuts. Due to the fact that it is a fibre-rich food, cashew will regulate a dog’s blood sugar levels. However, it should be consumed moderately because of its high fat and calorie content.
Some accurately reported studies have proved the positive effects of cashew consumption on blood sugar levels.
The research reportedly proved that an individual who suffers from type II diabetes benefited at least 10% of the blood sugar regulation that the cashier had to offer and had his insulin levels reduced.
2. Perfect For Heart Health
This is where the role of all antioxidants in cashew nuts comes to play. Cashews have sufficient antioxidants to offer, so they are supportive of a dog’s heart. The British Journal Of Nutrition has recently published a research study that mentioned cashew as a part of antioxidant-rich plant-based foods.
Cashew nuts consist of a great deal of antioxidant content that supports cardioprotection. The published study in the British Journal Of Nutrition concludes that dogs or humans who benefit from cashew nuts at least four times every week have a thirty-seven per cent chance of going down with coronary artery disease than those who consume the nuts rarely or only occasionally.
3. Rich In Magnesium
Aside from magnesium, there are compounds – phenolic in nature – that are present in every cashew nut, and these compounds help strengthen blood vessels.
Cashew nuts are also magnesium-rich; this is a good thing because magnesium is an important mineral that aids about 300 enzymatic chemical reactions in the body, aiding protein synthesis and metabolism of food.
4. Immunity Boost
When discussing the advantages or positive impacts of cashew nuts on dogs, there is no way immunity boost won’t be a part of the discussion. The rich content of minerals like zinc and copper in cashews and other minerals and vitamins can improve a dog’s overall health and aid in quick injury healing.
5. Shiny Fur
Benefit from the antioxidants of cashew nuts to maintain shiny fur and skin. Yes, cashew nuts are packed with sufficient copper, which enhances the melanin pigment in the hair, thereby promoting a natural & proper shine.
6. Develops The Brain
Eating cashews is the most wonderful thing a pet owner can do for his pet’s brain. Packed with essential fatty acids and other nutrients that are brain boosters.
Cashew consumption helps in the overall wellness of a dog’s brain. Serve your dog overnight soaked cashews to boost his brain.
Read Also: Can Dogs Eat Nutella: Understanding The Impact Of Nutella On Your Dog’s Health
7. Healthy Bone Development
Moderate servings of cashew can serve to develop the bones of your dog healthily. They have vitamins and minerals like calcium, zinc, potassium, vitamin E and copper that are required by every dog’s bone to stay strong. The essential nutrient that helps boost collagen production in the body is copper, which is also derived from cashews.
8. Reduces Blood Pressure
Cashews can also reduce blood pressure in dogs diagnosed with high blood pressure. High blood pressure reduction is only possible due to minerals like unsaturated fats, potassium and magnesium. All these work synergistically to regulate blood pressure in a dog’s body.
9. Regulates Blood – Related Diseases
Consumption of cashew nuts in moderation every day according to the strict portion sizes can prevent possible risks of blood cancer or disease. This is only possible because this safe and healthy cashew nut for dogs is iron and copper-rich; therefore, any dog consuming it will be haemoglobin-rich.
Both of these nutrients – iron and copper – help to fight against all accumulated free radicals in a dog’s body and keep haemoglobin deficiency at bay.
10. Good For Eye Vision And Can Provide Zinc For Male Dog Fertility
Cashews are a hundred percent beneficial to male dogs because they are packed with zinc. Zinc is the mineral responsible for sperm count increase in male dogs and humans. An increase in sperm count means an enhancement in fertility rate.
As for the eyes, cashews also serve well regarding vision. They are lutein and zeaxanthin-rich.
Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants that protect the naked eyes and skin against harmful ultraviolet radiation. When dogs regularly consume cashew under strict supervision by a pet owner, there is a tiny chance of macular deterioration and cataracts in the eyes.
Negative Effects Of Cashew Nuts
Cashew Nuts can provide all the benefits mentioned above, and the negative side effects will only be observed due to feeding inappropriate portion sizes of cashew nuts to your canine companions.
Here are the side effects of cashew nuts on dogs:
- Canines are prone to obesity since cashews are extremely rich in fatty acids and carbohydrates.
- Salted cashews are high in sodium level. Once a dog consumes salted cashews, there will be an increase in blood pressure and sodium concentration.
- Cashews can result in allergies in dogs who are allergic to nuts.
- Cashews can inhibit the therapeutic effect of medical prescriptions as they are rich in magnesium. Dogs are not allowed to consume cashew nuts, almond nuts, or salted nuts if they are taking antibiotics or others.
- Dogs suffering from headaches or toothaches may face underlying issues if an owner serves cashew nuts as a treat. The compounds phenylethylamine and tyramine present in cashew nuts can result in more migraines.
- Digestive disturbance is also a common side effect that is observed when dogs abuse cashews.
Risks And Cautions
Although cashew is healthy for dogs to chew in moderate portions, abuse of them can pose a challenge for your pooch in many ways.
Here is a description of the risks of cashew nuts for dogs:
1. Gastrointestinal Disturbances
Undoubtedly, the delicious nut is high in protein and fat; the human digestive system can tolerate a lot of it, but it is not the same for dogs. Cashew Nuts will cause a bowel disturbance, especially if your dog has eaten too many in just one sitting.
2. Obesity
It is no news that cashew has about 553 grams of calories and 44 grams of fat. Pet owners should take caution when giving the nuts to their dogs because of the risk of weight gain and obesity.
3. Pancreatitis
The pancreas converts fat into energy for both animals and humans. The high-fat content of cashew nuts can pose a problem to the pancreas. If cashew nuts are eaten abusively, the pancreas will become inflamed, which is dangerous.
4. Allergic Reaction
So many dogs out there are allergic to nuts, all kinds of nuts; feed them small amounts of cashews first to observe any case of allergy. Keep an eye out for any sort of itching, tongue rash, skin rash, sneezing, or hives whenever you give your dog a creamy nut treat.
5. Bladder Stones
Oxalates in cashews can result in a sickness called bladder stones. Most times, this requires a surgical operation to remove the bladder stones. This here is another reason for your dog to desist from abuse of cashew nut ingestion.
6. Salt Toxicity
For pet owners who contemplate “Can Dogs Eat Salted Cashews”? “Can Dogs Eat Almonds”? The answer is No.
Salt toxicity is not something you would like to see your furry friend pass through, and their system is not as complex as ours, so it cannot process salt concentration as much as we can.
7. Choking Hazard
Whole cashew nuts are big and soft, which means digs can properly grasp and chew them to whatever size they desire. Regardless, some canines might still find it hard to chew it (especially small and medium-sized dogs), and they may just swallow it.
Actions like this can lead to the possibility of choking in dogs; the risk of choking hazards is even higher in a medium-sized or small canine.
Thankfully, unlike peanuts, cashews are not processed and sold in their shells, so if a dog swallows it, it won’t be swallowed with the shell. So the health risk is minimized.
If there happen to be any variety of cashew nut that actually has shells, a pet owner should peel the cashew nuts off the shell first before sharing it with the canine.
Once the shells are taken off the edible nuts, they should be carefully disposed into a trash can that the dog cannot easily penetrate.
In addition, do not allow your canine to consume cashew nuts in a rush. This is another thing that can lead to choking. Keep clean water for it to drink immediately, just Incase it chokes on the cashew nuts.
How To Serve Cashews To Dogs
If you would like to provide some cashew treats to your breed, please ensure that they are completely unsweetened, unflavored and unsalted.
To reduce the possible occurrence of choking hazards, use a knife to cut the cashews into small powders or, better still, blend them ( To serve as topping) before serving.
When your dog consumes cashews for the first time ever, it is essential to observe how he or she reacts to the new food incorporated into its regular diet and check for any symptoms of nut allergies.
Below are some safety guidelines, in addition to the ones previously given, for feeding your dog cashew nuts
1. Check For Molds
One can never know if a cashew nut has moulds, but it is possible. The moulds in cashews can consist of a compound called aflatoxin, which is harmful to dogs and enough to pose bowel movement challenges in dogs.
2. Serve Plain, Raw And Unsalted Cashews
When serving cashew treats to your canine buddy, it is best to stick with only the plainly roasted or raw cashew nuts found in a mall or grocery store. Many commercially processed cashews are sweetened with salt, which is very bad for dogs to consume.
3. Ensure To Serve Off The Shell
Make sure that the nut treats are peeled off from its shell. Cashew shells, besides being so brittle, can cause a tongue injury, toothache, or even a choking hazard.
Cashew shells contain a toxin called anacardic acid, which may be harmful to a canine.
4. Follow The Portion Size Guideline Strictly
The prior portion size guideline should be followed strictly by any pet owner considering cashew treats for his or her dog.
In addition, any snack or treat specifically for dogs – commercial or homemade – should not be more than 10% of a dog’s regular diet. The other 90 percent should be derived from a completely balanced diet, which is every pet owner’s responsibility.
How To Prepare Cashews For Dogs
Before we share tips on safely preparing cashew nuts for your dog, let us share some tips to store cashew nuts appropriately.
How To Store Cashew Nuts
Cashews are barely homemade and are made available in various grocery stores and commercial factories yearly. They can also be found in an array of specialty provision shops. Cashew nuts should be stored in an airtight container if a consumer buys them in bulk from a distributor.
You can store your purchased cashew nuts anywhere but in areas that are extremely hot and prone to heat from the sun.
Always store in areas with adequate room temperature, but cashew nuts stored at room temperature will not last for a month. If you want to keep your cashew nuts for a long time, store them in a fridge.
While often chewed and enjoyed on its own, cashews can also be consumed by dogs in a variety of human meals or kibbles. They provide a nutritious nutty taste and a very satisfying crunch with every serving. This makes them an excellent choice to occasionally make a dog’s meal extra spicy.
Below are some convenient methods to incorporate cashews into the favourite kibbles, snacks or human meals of your dog :
- Combine cashews with watermelon, apples and bananas for your dog.
- Combine cashew nuts with other homemade treats for your dog
- Grind cashews into powder and add to your dog’s commercial kibble
- Toss some cashews into your dog’s rice, chicken, and stew and serve
Can Dogs Eat Almonds?
Almonds are eaten by humans and enjoyed greatly, yes. But, Can Dogs Eat Almonds? The truth is dogs cannot properly digest the essential proteins in almond nuts, so dogs cannot eat almonds. While almonds are not toxic to the digestive system of humans, it is not the same for our canine companions.
Almost that is unprocessed and usually bitter is even the worst for dogs. Consuming as little as one unprocessed almond can be fatal to a dog’s health.
On the other hand, processed almond nuts are the most consumed variety, but they still can’t be consumed by our canine companions. Any canine that consumes processed almonds will find its health compromised greatly.
If your dog eats almonds of any variety and you observe health defects, please immediately consult a veterinarian doctor or pet poison control.
Can Dogs Eat Salted Cashews?
Keep your dog away from salted nuts, as sodium in high concentration has no place in a dog’s dietary plan. Salted cashew contains more sodium than the sodium needs of any canine, and it can be very harmful to their health if ingested abusively, so it is better not to ingest salted cashews at all.
Things like these actually make pet owners make their own homemade cashews or buy plain cashews because of the salt content in some processed cashew nuts.
Avoid salted cashews, and sodium toxicity is not something you would like to see your furry friend pass through. Their system is not as complex as ours, so it cannot process salt concentration as much as we can.
Veterinary Perspectives
The risk of illness or allergies after your dog consumes cashew nuts is high (especially for small and medium-sized dogs), and due to sufficiency in fat, carbohydrates, proteins and sometimes sodium, it is safe to say that cashew nuts, if consumed excessively, can pose a great risk to a dog’s health.
Cashew nuts provide a maximum of 553 grams of calories per 100-gram serving, and veterinary experts suggest that this is a large proportion of calories for canines to consume. So always remember to feed it according to the portion sizes stated above.
Creamy cashew nuts tend to result in overweight and obesity in a man’s best friend if consumed too much. Vets have confirmed that some of the compounds found in cashew nuts can result in allergic reactions like pancreatitis and coronary artery disease.
If allergic reactions are not observed after close supervision of about 48 hours, that’s a very good sign. However, there is a slight possibility of sickness after some time. So, it is essential to always monitor the dog’s health condition after cashew nut consumption.
Consult an expert veterinarian if you observe any related issues discussed above.
How Many Cashews Can A Dog Eat?
According to Dr Ochoa, you should give your puppy no more than three to five cashews to avoid any problems. “If your dog eats too many cashews, he may experience gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting and diarrhoea,” said Dr Ochoa.
What Nuts Are Not Poisonous To Dogs?
Peanuts belong to the legume family and are safe for dogs in very small amounts as long as they are unseasoned and unsalted. Cashews are safe in small amounts, but both cashews and peanuts are too fat to make regular treats.
Why Are Cashews Good For Dogs?
Cashews give nutrients beneficial to a canine companion. Cashews contain omega-6 fatty acids, which in the right balance with omega-3 fatty acids, help control inflammation and keep the coat soft and shiny.
Are Cashews Or Almonds Bad For Dogs?
The short answer is Yes, and dogs can eat cashews. In general, cashews are safe for dogs. Unlike almonds, cashews are not poisonous to dogs because they do not contain harmful toxins.
Is It Ok To Eat 10 Cashews?
You can eat a moderate amount of cashews daily to enjoy their nutritional benefits without risking weight gain. Nutritionists recommend limiting consumption to 5-10 cashews per day. If you use cashews as a source of healthy fats and protein, you can consume 15-30 cashews per day.
Can Dogs Eat Coconut?
Yes! Coconut is healthy, if not more so, than coconut oil. They share similar characteristics because they come from the same place. Coconut is non-toxic to dogs but contains medium-chain triglycerides that can cause gastrointestinal distress and bloating.
Can Dogs Eat Bread?
Yes. Dogs can safely eat bread in much the same way as humans – in moderation. Plain white and wheat bread are generally safe for dogs as long as they don’t have any allergies and usually don’t cause any stomach problems.
Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?
While dogs can eat tomatoes, sharing them too much can cause stomach upset due to the acidity. Tomatoes are like any other delicacy – they should be consumed in moderation and under supervision. Start with a small amount of tomatoes to see how your dog reacts.
What Happens If A Dog Eats One Cashew?
Your dog can eat cashews if not mixed with other nuts, preferably if they are not salted or flavoured. These nuts may not be the best snack, but one now and then won’t hurt.
Can Dogs Eat Honey?
Honey is good for dogs in small amounts. It contains natural sugars and a small amount of vitamins and minerals. It is also used as a sweetener in many foods and beverages.
Can Dogs Eat Cashews and Almond Nuts? It is safe for dogs to consume cashew nuts, as long as they are served off the shell, unsweetened & unsalted, but not almond nuts. The proteins in almond nuts are too complex for a dog to digest well.
Cashew nuts can serve as tasty dog treats. Eating it is fun, crunchy and healthy, providing dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals to canines.
Granted, dogs can eat cashews but always remember to treat them in moderate portions to avoid potential side effects such as pancreatitis, bloating, allergic reactions & coronary artery disease.
Dogs on medications should avoid taking cashew nuts; the magnesium in cashews can interact badly with medications.
If you have any questions or comments regarding cashew treats for your dog, please drop a comment below or reach out to us via the email provided on our website.
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