Author: Emily Thomas

Hi, Am Emily Thomas a Dog Lover and Blog Content Writer. Passionate about dogs and the power of words. Sharing insights, tips, and heartwarming stories. Join me on a tail-wagging journey! 🐾📚

Seaweed is the name given to the many species of marine algae and plants that grow in water bodies such as rivers, seas and oceans. They range in colours from red, green, brown, and black and also vary in size, from microscopic to large. There are some seaweeds that are microscopic, like phytoplankton, that live suspended in the water column and provide the base for the majority of food chains. The majority of seaweeds are medium in size, and they come in various colours, like red, green, brown, and black. They can be found on beaches and shorelines almost anywhere.…

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All humans have a longing for something sweet. It doesn’t matter what the doctor has said; no one ever said, I love the bitter taste; That’s too much of an exaggeration. However, some sweet things will harm your body system in the long run; we know you already know that. Animals and pets long for sweet things, too, be it food, fruits, or things like that. Have you ever wondered if you can give your dogs sweet things like tangerine fruit? Can dogs eat tangerines? It is a healthy concern because, as much as this fruit may be packed with…

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Having a guard dog is as important as home security itself. Most dog lovers tend to go for the best dogs possible. In selecting a guard dog, do you think huskies stand a chance? Do huskies make good guard dogs? Huskies are amazing dogs with bushy fur, blue eyes, and wolf ears. But because of their wolf-like appearance, people believe huskies can make good guard dogs. However, appearances can be deceiving when it comes to huskies. There are several key personality traits of a good guard dog. The best guard dogs should be alert, patient, perceptive, focused, and highly energetic.…

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Pit bulls are naturally strong and smart. They are made to protect, and as dogs, they understand the responsibility of taking care of their owners. Are Pit Bulls good guard dogs? Well, to get the answer to this question,  there are some interesting facts you should learn about this dog. Over time, certain misconceptions and stereotypes about this agile yet loving dog have existed. People are scared of Pit bulls because of the generalization that Pit bulls are naturally ferocious and unfriendly. How true is this? Let us dive into the life and style of this dog and see for…

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Dried shredded squid is a seasoned, seafood product, made from squid or cuttlefish, commonly found in coastal Asian countries, Russia, and Hawaii. The snack is also referred to as dried shredded cuttlefish. It is seafood that has been processed and preserved through a dehydration method. To speed up the rehydration process, some people use hot water. While this might work, the nutritional constituents might be adversely affected. The general procedure for preparing dried squid products consists of splitting and eviscerating the raw squid; removing the ink sac, cartilage, and skin; and drying the mantle, arms, and fins. The taste of…

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You are there in the kitchen, marinating your chicken and making dinner then suddenly step out to get something and the next thing you see is your tray of chicken on the floor with your dog munching on them. The first thing to come to your mind is the question, can dogs eat raw chicken? Raw chicken is obviously not good for your health as humans, but what about your dog? Can dogs eat raw chicken without getting sick? The answer to this question is in this article, keep reading. Raw chicken can be harmful to dogs because it contains…

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Fresh peaches are a joy to behold and, more, are sumptuous to the taste buds. If you are wondering whether this juicy treat can be fed to your dog, well, this article will guide you to that answer. Answering the question can dogs eat peaches is not as easy as it seems because, as you know, most meals or treats served to dogs or animals in general always comes with a prescription. Yes, dogs just don’t eat meals because they are good. They feed on meals that would be in sync with their body metabolism. This goes to say that…

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Vanilla (genus Vanilla), any member of a group of tropical climbing orchids (family Orchidaceae) and the flavouring agent extracted from their pods. The vanilla beans of commerce are the cured unripe fruit of Mexican or Bourbon vanilla (Vanilla planifolia), Tahiti vanilla (V. tahitensis), and occasionally West Indian vanilla (V. pompona); all three species are thought to be derived from a single species native to Mexico, Central America, and northern South America. Vanilla was first cultivated by the Totonec people of Mexico. In the 15th century the Aztecs conquered the Totonec and required tribute in the form of vanilla beans. Later,…

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There have been so many mixed feelings and misconceptions about what carob is and is not. Is it chocolate or not? Why can’t I eat carob as much as I eat chocolate? Can dogs eat carob? You may have wondered where the concerns would end. It may interest you to know that carob is not at all like chocolate and is not toxic to humans or dogs. However, our body mechanisms, as well as those of our pets, repel certain foods, no matter how pleasant they seem. We are not saying your body repels carob or that of your pup;…

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Dr Jerry Klein, Chief Veterinary Officer for the AKC, explains that pomegranates are not toxic to dogs. However, that doesn’t mean that the fruit is safe for dogs to eat. “As the saying goes: ‘just because you can, doesn’t mean you should,’” he says. The pomegranate is a small, fruit-bearing tree native to Iran and northern India and cultivated around the world Pomegranate is a small, fruit-bearing tree native to Iran and northern India and cultivated around the world. The fruit and seed are used in modern herbal medicine. In some traditional folk remedies, the rind and root or bark…

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