Can dogs eat apple peels? Why would anyone want to serve or give their dogs apple peels as food or a treat, you might ask? However, research has shown that most fruit peels are healthy for the skin and the entire body.
For example, research has proven that pawpaw peels are healthy for humans, and several cultures eat them as they feed on delicious fruit.
But what might be good for dogs is a different topic of discussion. Most humans feed on apples and peels simultaneously.
However, the concern is whether these peels are healthy or toxic to your dog. We do not assume that what is good for you should, in turn, be good for your dog.
The metabolic process, digestion, health effects, allergies, and many other health concerns should be checked before introducing this “treat” to your dog. The wrong kind of food can ill your dog or, worse, kill it. So we want to be careful what we feed our dog.
This article will, in some detail, review the hazards or benefits of feeding apple peels to your dog.
There are precautions dog owners should take when feeding their dogs, no matter how pleasant or healthy the meal appears to be. Let us show you.
About Apples
Apples contain antioxidants, vitamins, fibre and many other nutrients. Thanks to their varied nutrient content, apples are a healthy component of a balanced diet.
Apples appear in different shapes, colours and flavours. They provide a variety of nutrients that can benefit many aspects of human health.
Eating any diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits, which by extension includes apples, can help reduce the risk of:
- Cancer
- Obesity
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
Apples are rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals, which benefit human health. They also provide several antioxidants. These substances help neutralize free radicals.
Free radicals are molecules that react and can accumulate due to natural processes and environmental pressures. Too many free radicals build up in the body can cause oxidative stress.
This can lead to cell damage. Cell damage can contribute to several diseases, including cancer and diabetes.
Apples are an important source of antioxidants, given their widespread consumption, especially in northern Europe and the United States.
Below we discuss previous research on the potential health benefits of apples.
Improve Mental Health
Eating apples can benefit a person’s mental health. A 2020 systematic review found that eating fruits and vegetables can positively impact a person’s mental health.
Researchers recommended eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily to reap the benefits.
A 2019 study of immigrants in Canada found that a higher intake of fruits made participants less likely to have anxiety and mood disorders. Participants also experienced an increase in good mental health.
Reduce The Risk Of Stroke
Apples contain many nutrients that can reduce the risk of stroke. For example, one 2017 study found that people who consumed the most fibre appeared to have a lower risk of:
- Cardiovascular disease
- Ischemic heart disease
- Stroke
A medium-sized apple, approximately 3 inches and weighing 169 grams (g), provides 4.06 grams of fibre. This is about 11-14% of an adult’s daily requirement, depending on age and gender.
Lower Cholesterol
A 2019 study researched that when you take two raw apples a day for eight weeks lowered cholesterol levels in healthy people. However, drinking plain apple juice did not have the same impact.
Therefore, the study’s authors concluded that the fibre in apples helps lower cholesterol.
Promote Heart Health
Apples contain fibre, vitamin C and antioxidants. A medium-sized apple provides the following:
- 11-14% of a person’s daily fibre needs
- 10% of a person’s daily need for vitamin C
Fibre appears to help regulate blood pressure, which may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that, along with other antioxidants, may protect some aspects of heart health.
Vitamin C helps in proper immune function, which helps in protecting the body from infection and disease.
Reduce Your Risk Of Diabetes
A 2021 study found that people who included apples in their diet had a 36% chance of saving themselves from type 2 diabetes at five years more than those who did not eat fruit.
People who consume the most fibre shield themselves from developing type 2 diabetes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), fibres act as a protective wall from diabetes. People who already have diabetes and eat a high-fibre diet may also have lower blood sugar.
Eating fresh fruit, including apples, to satisfy your sweet tooth and provide nutrition has been recommended by health practitioners worldwide. However, the organization reminds people to consider the carbohydrate content of fruit.
A 100g serving of raw Granny Smith apple contains 13.2g of carbohydrates, including 10.6g of sugar. It also provides fibre and other nutrients. This means it has additional health benefits as a sweet snack.
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Reduce The Risk Of Cancer
Apples are rich in antioxidants and can help prevent oxidative stress. This stress causes cell damage that can lead to the development of some cancers.
One 2016 meta-analysis concluded that eating apples may help reduce the risk of:
- Lung cancer
- Breast cancer
- Colorectal cancer
Fibre also helps reduce the risk of colon cancer, according to a 2018 meta-analysis.
Help Maintain A Moderate Weight
The fibre in apples can help a person feel fuller for longer, making them less likely to overeat. This can help people manage their weight. A 2020 study found that fibre in fruits and vegetables promotes weight loss in women.
Eating fruits and vegetables can reduce the rate of food intake and provide fewer calories while still being satisfying.
The research found that whole Fuji apples have the potential to lower cellular lipid levels in 3T3-L1 cells. This means that they may have anti-obesity effects.
Can Dogs Eat Apple Peels/ Nutritional Value Of Apple Peels

Apples are known for having a lot of nutrients, yet the skin is typically discarded. But before you throw away the apple peel, think about the health benefits it could provide.
Apple is the most consumed fruit on earth because it is high in fibre, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and a balanced amount of all essential nutrients, according to Roopshree Jaiswal, Consultant/Dietitian/Nutritionist, Motherhood Hospitals, Mechanic Nagar, Indore.
However, some people might decide to peel the apple’s skin before eating it owing to the use of hazardous substances and chemicals.
This deprives the apple of many crucial nutrients. To get the most advantages from an apple, it is best to eat it with the skin on. The nutritional value of eating apples with the skin cannot be overemphasised.
Apple Peels Are High In Fibre
The skin of an apple contains most of the fibre. Fibre will keep you fuller for longer and help you avoid hunger pangs and cravings. Fibre also helps maintain liver health, which in turn helps maintain bone health. Fibre is also beneficial for diabetics as it aids digestion.
Contributes To The Protection Of Lung Health
Apple skin contains quercetin, a powerful anti-inflammatory compound that protects your lungs and heart from several diseases.
It helps keep your heart healthy.
Polyphenols in apple peels have been shown in tests to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels and increase the flexibility of blood vessels for a healthy heart.
Apple Peel Helps In Weight Loss
The high fibre content in the apple peel will keep you satisfied longer and prevent overeating. As a result, calorie consumption will be reduced, and weight will be reduced. Furthermore, the polyphenols present in the skin have been shown to inhibit the absorption of glucose and fat, leading to weight loss.
Apple Skin Is Full Of Vitamins
Vitamins A, C and K are found in apple skin. It contains essential minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, and calcium, which benefit overall health. All these nutrients contribute to the health of your heart, nerves, brain, skin and bones
Are Apple Skins Ok For Dogs?
Apple peel is safe for your pup, but it’s not ideal because it can cause digestive problems. While a few slices of apple with the skin on is fine, your dog’s stomach will appreciate it if you peel them before feeding.
Why Can’t Dogs Eat Apples?
Apple slices are healthy snacks for your dog and can help keep your dog’s breath fresh. However, the apple core and especially the apple seeds can harm dogs. Apple seeds contain small amounts of cyanide, released when broken or chewed.
Can Dogs Eat Fruit Skin?
You’ve probably wondered if dogs can eat apples with their skins. Apple skin can be an excellent treat for your pup! It is full of vitamins and minerals that can help them stay healthy and boost their energy. It also helps keep their coat shiny and tangle-free.
Can I Give My Dog Apple Without Peeling?
If you feed your dog a few slices of apple, the skin shouldn’t be a problem. But large amounts of apples can cause indigestion. Before serving, do not forget to remove the cores and seeds from the apple and divide the apples in a reasonable amount.
Can Dogs Eat Cucumber Skin?
Yes. The skin is the best part because it is rich in fibre and is where vitamins A, B, C, and K are more concentrated. Just make sure you clean the cucumber thoroughly to make sure it doesn’t contain any pesticide residue.
Can Dogs Eat Banana Peels?
Banana peels are difficult to digest due to their highly concentrated fibre. Eating a banana peel can cause your dog to vomit, or in some cases, the peel can cause an intestinal blockage. Bottom line: Don’t give your dog banana peels on purpose.
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